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My thoughts after visiting a Palm Oil plantation in Colombia

Palm Oil Plantation (Isabel Luotto 2017, Colombia) Nowadays where I am from there is nothing scarier than the words Palm Oil written on a food label. Palm Oil is so scary here in Italy, that one time during a Halloween costume party a guy happened to have the dreadful idea to dress up as this nightmare inducing fat. “How do you dress up as palm oil?” You might be asking. Well, his costume consisted in nothing more than black pants, a black t-shirt and a sign over his shoulders, saying: “PALM OIL” Terrifying and brilliant! In my family, there is no doubt about it: palm oil is poison. My own mother, who swung herself up on the not-hydrogenated-fats-train, is now the matter of fact avoiding this cheap replacement for hydrogenated fats, religiously. Therefore, when I got to know that I would have been spending an entire week in a palm oil farm in Colombia, I was more than intrigued.    Palm Oil Trees and Calf that had been born the day before we...

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